Wow! I really thought I would be committed to this blog. Well, what a busy end of 2010! I guess the only good thing about being so busy and an empty nester is that I did not have the added responsibilities of rushing home to children. Maybe that was a double edged sword...if I did have that responsibility, maybe I would have forced myself to have more of a work/life balance.
So far this is what being an empty nester has been all about...having the freedom to work long stressful hours. I had visions of working on hobbies, going out with friends on a Tuesday, exercising, reading magazines that I subscribe to and did not have time to read in the past, spending quality time with my Hubby, etc.
Going back to "I NEED A PLAN"!!!!! If not, I am going to stay on this path that is not good for me mentally or physically.
Until next time...take time to "breath"!